

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I just saw this quote tonight and needed to include it:

"Imagination is more important than knowledge"
-- Albert Einstein

Monday, November 2, 2009

"Girly girl" or "Tomboy"?

Why must it be one or the other? Why not a little bit of each? I was shocked when my six year-old daughter asked me which one I was when I was a little girl. I'm not sure how the notion got locked into her brain, but she's been quite focused on figuring out which she is. For the moment, she tells me she's a "girly girl". Yes, a girly girl who likes to roll mud into balls to "glue" leaves onto tree trunks. A girly girl who is content to spend her summers with a butterfly net in hand, scouring the trees, bushes and flowers for the ever-elusive monarch. A girly girl who is not the least bit squeamish about jamming her fingers into a cup of dirt to seek a nice, fat worm for her fishing hook. She does love her dresses, but as long as she doesn't limit herself to what she's able to do based on what she wears, I guess I need to be "okay" with the "girly girl" label she claims.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Why "Chasing Butterflies"?

Why, indeed. Why blogging, in fact. Seems there are a million out there....everyone has an opinion. I'm not certain the world needs mine, but I have one. So there it is.

In a nutshell, Chasing Butterflies is about the quest to recapture childhood in a grow-up-too-fast world. About maintaining our focus on this ideal under the mounting pressures of society.